Titiano Biography and Paintings/1488-1576

Venus at her Toilet (Oil on canvas, 1554-1555)
Venus Blindfolding Cupid (Oil on canvas, c.1565)
Worship of Venus (Oil on canvas, 1519)
The Tribute Money (Oil on canvas, 1516)
The Vicious Husband (Drawing, 1511)
Titian's daughter, Lavinia (Oil on canvas, 1560-1561)
Vanitas (Oil on canvas, 1515)
Venus and Adonis (Oil on canvas, 1553-1554)
The Fall of Man (Oil on canvas, 1565-1570)
The Last Supper (detail, Oil on canvas)
The Martyrdom of Saint Peter (Woodcut)
The Speech of Alfonso d'Avalo (Oil on canvas, 1540-1541)
The Three Ages of Man (Oil on canvas, 1511-1512)
St. John the Baptist (Oil on canvas, c.1542)
Studies of Saint Sebastian (Drawing, 1520)Studies of Saint Sebastian (Drawing, 1520)
Study of legs (Drawing, 1548-1557)
The Assumption of the Virgin (detail, Oil on canvas, 1516-1518)
The Bravo (Oil on canvas, c.1520)
Saint Mark Enthroned (Oil on canvas, 1510)
Saint Peter (Oil on canvas, 1516-1518)
Saint Sebastian at the resurrection-altar in Brescia (Drawing, 1520)
Self-Portrait (Oil on canvas, c.1562)
St Jerome (Oil on canvas, 1560)
Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple (Oil on canvas, 1539)
Profane Love (Oil on canvas, 1514-1515)
Sacred and Profane Love (Oil on canvas, 1514)
Saint Bernadine (Oil on canvas, 1531)
Saint Christopher (Fresco)
Portrait of Marcantonio Trevisani (Oil on canvas, 1554)
Portrait of Philip II (Oil on canvas, c.1553)
Portrait of Pietro Aretino (Oil on canvas, 1545)
Portrait of Pope Paul III (Oil on canvas)
Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple (detail, Oil on canvas, 1539)
Portrait of a Woman called La Schiavona (Oil on canvas, 1508-1510)
Portrait of an Old Man (Pietro Cardinal Bembo) (Oil on canvas, 1545-1546)
Portrait of Count Antonio Porcia (Oil on canvas, c.1548)
Portrait of Doge Andrea Gritti (Oil on canvas, 1544-1545)
Portrait of Jacopo Strada (Oil on canvas, 1567-1568)
Philipp II, as Prince (detail, Oil on canvas, 1550-1551)
Pieta (Oil on canvas, 1576)
Pope Alexander IV Presenting Jacopo Pesaro to St Peter (Oil on canvas)
Pope Paul (Oil on canvas, 1543)
Pope Paul III and his Cousins Alessandro and Ottavio Farnese (Oil on canvas, 1546)
Mary with the Christ Child (Oil on canvas, 1561)
Mater Dolorosa (Oil on canvas, 1550)
Noli me Tangere - Do Not Touch Me (Oil on canvas, 1511-1512)
Pentecost (Oil on canvas)
Pesaros Madonna (Oil on canvas, 1519-1526)
Jupiter and Anthiope (Pardo-Venus) (Oil on canvas, 1540-1542)
King Philip II (Oil on canvas, 1551)
Madonna and Child with St. Catherine and a Rabbit (Oil on canvas, 1530)
Madonna and Child with the Young St. John the Baptist and St. Catherine (detail, Oil on canvas, 1530)
Madonna with Saints and Members of the Pesaro Family (detail, Oil on canvas, 1519-1526)
Feast of the Gods (Oil on canvas)
Federigo II, Gonzaga (Oil on canvas, 1525)
Gipsy Madonna (Oil on canvas, c.1510)
Girl with a Basket of Fruits (Lavinia) (Oil on canvas, 1555-1558)
Judith with the Head of Holofernes (Oil on canvas, c.1515)
Danae and the Shower of Gold (Oil on canvas, 1554)
Emperor Charles (Oil on canvas, 1548)
Emperor Charles on his horse (Oil on canvas, 1548)
Empress Isabel of Portugal (Oil on canvas, 1548)
Entry of Mary into the temple (Oil on canvas, 1534-1538)
Bacchus and Ariadne (Oil on canvas, 1522-1523)
Caricature of the Laocoon-group (Drawing, 1543-1545)
Cavalier over a fallen adversary (Drawing, 1562-1564)
Christ Crowned with Thorns (Oil on canvas, c.1542)
Crowning with Thorns (Oil on canvas, c.1570-1575)
Annunciation (Oil on canvas, 1559-1562)
Apostles group (Oil on canvas)
Assumption of the Virgin (Oil on canvas, 1516-1518) Bacchanal (Oil on canvas, 1523-1524)
Bacchus and Ariadne (detail, Oil on canvas, 1522-1523)

Titiano (1488-1576)
"Titian is truly the most excellent of all painters ever: because his brushes always gave birth to expressions of life" (Marco Boschini, 1674).
Born in Pieve, in the province of Belluno, among the mountains of the Cadore range, between 1488 and 1490, Tiziano Vecellio belonged to an ancient family of a small alpine town. An extrovert, a tireless worker, Titian worked on his paintings without pause. His career was triumphant, his life long, if it is true that death overcame him when the painter had already surpassed the incredible age of eighty.
Still very young, he left the "magnificent Cadore community" to receive a suitable pictorial training. He thus reached Venice, where his first teachers where Gentile and Giovanni Bellini.
Between 1508 and 1509, he was by Giorgione's side working on the Fondaco dei Tedeschi. Only a year later, his fame was already so well established that he received commissions such as the Altar Pieces for San Marco and Santa Maria della Salute. In 1511 he frescoed the Scuola del Santo in Padova. Having obtained an official income from the Council of Ten, that was assigned to the most accomplished painters, in 1533 he became the official painter of the Venice Republic. His activity was frenetic: he accepted many commission from contemporary nobility, creating many works based on lay subjects.
In 1516 Alfonso I d'Este required his services and in 1518 commissioned him to decorate the "alabaster chamber". Between 1519 and 1526 he painted the Pesaro Altar Piece for the Friars, and the Averoldi Polyptych for the Santi Nazaro and Celso Church in Brescia.
Acclaimed as the most celebrated painter of his time, Titian's talents were vied for by the various Italian courts: he worked in Mantova for the Gonzaga's, and in Urbino for the Dukes. In 1542 he began his collaboration with Pope Paul III and his family; he soon moved to Rome where he remained until 1546. In the meantime, his very much appreciated portrait activity continued and he had the opportunity of portraying Charles V during his coronation in 1530. The emperor and his son Philip II, future King of Spain, made him their favourite painter. Titian worked for years at the service of the Hapsburg family. He died on the 27th of August 1576, when the plague was raging throughout Italy, leaving unfinished the work that he would have wished had been placed on his tomb: the "Pietà".

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